Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Bug in Office 365 builds of Excel

A bug with Excel may affect some users when they save and reopen the files with the add-in on Windows.  
For these users, closing and reopening the file may cause any settings  (color themes, map type, title) to be lost.

The specific affected versions of Excel on Windows [Excel Online and Excel Mac are not affected by this change] are:
  • "April update" [16.0.11629.20246]
  • "May update" [16.0.11727.20244]

Microsoft is aware of the issue and has a fix planned:

Heatmap July 2019 Update


 The Geographic Heat Map add-in has been updated with the following new features:

  • Ability to set data labels
  • Ability to set a data legend
  • Ability to customize the color themes with a Custom Theme

Hope you enjoy!

If you have questions or would like to see more, send feedback to